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simdata v0.4.0

Release for CRAN with updates in vignettes to reflect recent changes to nhanesA package.

simdata v0.3.0.9004

Adding automated quantile function estimation for NORTA via the quantile_functions_from_data() utility.

Fixed errors about missing colapply_functions() in specific situations.

simdata v0.3.0.9003

Implemented partial functions.

simdata v0.3.0.9002

Updating defaults and functionality for correlation network visualisation.

simdata v0.3.0.9001

Added tolerance to correlation matrix check.

simdata v0.3.0.9000 (build date 2021-04-09)

Added NORTA based simulation design and associated functionality. Added vignettes explaining the workflow, and the technical design of the package.


  • simdesign_norta to simulate data based on a NORTA design
  • optimize_cor_mat to facilitate NORTA simulation
  • Vignette demonstrating the NORTA workflow
  • Vignette explaining the technical implementation of the package


  • Updated vignettes
  • Changes in function names to improve naming consistency and enhance searchability:
    • mvtnorm_simdesign -> simdesign_mvtnorm
    • discunif_simdesign -> simdesign_discunif
    • names_from_function_list -> get_names_from_function_list

simdata v0.2.0.9003 (build date 2021-04-08)


  • Post-processing pipeline: renamed process_data function to do_process; renamed process_truncate to process_truncate_by_iqr


  • discunif_simdesign to simulate circular data
  • process_truncate_by_threshold function to truncate by fixed thresholds
  • names_from_function_list to obtain names of functions from function_list
  • is_cor_matrix to check if a matrix is a correlation matrix

Fixes and enhancements:

  • More robust error handling in simdesign
  • More robust and transparent naming of variables
  • Basic error checking in essential functions
  • More robust handling of function_lists

simdata v0.2.0.9002 (build date 2020-05-14)

Renamed the package to simdata.


  • Fixed cor_from_upper to work with single vectors

simdata v0.2.0 (build date 2019-11-26)

Numerous fixes and enhancements. If you have worked with previous versions of the package it is likely that you will have to adapt your code to the new interfaces implemented in this version. However, the necessary changes should be minimal.


  • Reworked simdesign class
  • Reworked simulate_data and simulate_data_conditional function
  • Reworked network visualization


  • Package Demo vignette to demonstrate functionality

simdata v0.1.0 (build date 2019-11-14)

Initial release (named simulatoR).